The Differences between migraines and tension headaches: listen now
what is a migraine?

A migraine is an intense headache that is usually associated with nausea, and sometimes involves sensitivity to light, sound and head movement.
Migraines can last anywhere between four hours and three days, and affect around 12 per cent of the world’s adult population.
A migraine is often preceded by an ‘aura’. Common symptoms of an aura include visual (bright lights, tunnel vision), sensory (pins and needles) and speech (slurring) issues. These symptoms can occur independently or together during a period between five minutes and one hour long, before resolving.
Some people who suffer from migraines may not have an aura before the onset of the migraine. For these people, diagnostic criteria must still be met before they can accurately be diagnosed with a migraine.
Migraines can last anywhere between four hours and three days, and affect around 12 per cent of the world’s adult population.
A migraine is often preceded by an ‘aura’. Common symptoms of an aura include visual (bright lights, tunnel vision), sensory (pins and needles) and speech (slurring) issues. These symptoms can occur independently or together during a period between five minutes and one hour long, before resolving.
Some people who suffer from migraines may not have an aura before the onset of the migraine. For these people, diagnostic criteria must still be met before they can accurately be diagnosed with a migraine.
Anyone can suffer from a migraine, and generally there are two influencing
factors—genetic background and environmental/internal factors.
Most people who suffer from migraines have brains that are more sensitive,
therefore more likely to be irritated by stimuli than those who do not suffer
from migraines.
It can be hard to recognise what triggers a migraine. Some common causes
-missing meals
-alcohol consumption
-sleep deprivation, or even too much sleep
-certain foods or additives
-various environmental factors
factors—genetic background and environmental/internal factors.
Most people who suffer from migraines have brains that are more sensitive,
therefore more likely to be irritated by stimuli than those who do not suffer
from migraines.
It can be hard to recognise what triggers a migraine. Some common causes
-missing meals
-alcohol consumption
-sleep deprivation, or even too much sleep
-certain foods or additives
-various environmental factors